Wednesday 3 March 2010


Semiotics is the study of sign processes or signification and communication. it is usually divided into three branches.
Semantics: which is the relation between signs and the things to which they refer.
Syntactics: which is the relationship among signs in a formal structure.
Pragmatics: which is the relation between signs, and thier effects on those people.

As pictured above semiotics to me can get most in a pickle. The basis of semiotics is someone maybe looking at exactly the same image or symbol as someone else, but the image can be interpreted in many ways. The first semiotic definition of "Sign" came from Ferdinand de Saussurein his Course on General Linguistics (1915).

I conclude that based on who you are, where your from, and how you think, everyone has the possibility of misreading or over thinking signs symbols and images. their appears to be no definite answer to semiotics.

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